JsEnCo - JavaScript Engines Comparator v1 alpha

Today I've completed working on my tool for comparison of javascript performance on different engines with CPU and RAM metrics.

It appears as my investigation of how JS engines optimizes the code because I needed simple way of checking my understanding and assumption.

By default each test run all scripts in '/tests' folder one by one by engines. 
While running CPU and RAM usages is monitored.
After tests are executed by all engines (depends on options) results are saved in '/results/data' folder.
Depending on settings an http-server is started at the end and web-gui appears at 'http://localhost:3333'.

A simple web-gui is available to compare results:

Check it out at: https://github.com/rv4Flyver/jsenco

It is possible to run it as nodejs app or using docker image.

I'm going to publish the image to DockerHub soon.
